Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter 2nd S,May 1,11

Easter,2nd S,May 1,11

Easter 2nd S,May 1,11

(Jn. 20:19-29)

In the last few days, we were reflecting on and reliving some of the important moments in the life of Jesus as well as in the history of our salvation. If Lent was a time of introspection and purification, Easter is the time for renewal and dedication. We become more assured of the continued protection of the Risen Jesus in the various events and activities of our lives during this season of Easter.

In today’s Gospel from St. John, we read an account of the first appearance of Jesus to the apostles In his first appearance, Jesus offers them greetings of peace and shows the wounds and scars in his body. The apostles seeing the wounds and scars realize right away that the same Jesus who walked with them and who suffered crucifixion is the one standing before them. Jesus breathes into them the Spirit of life by telling them to receive the Holy Spirit. He gives them the power to forgive sins .The apostle, Thomas, is not with them and, hence, he refuses to believe that Jesus had risen unless he can prove it physically by touching the body of Jesus. Jesus again appears before the group when Thomas is with them and asks him to come and put his finger in his wounds and to believe that He had risen. Thomas realizes that he is before God Almighty and exclaims, “My Lord and My God,” acknowledging Jesus as the Lord of the Universe.

What Jesus offers them is peace, a life without fear, a life in union with Him .It is the same peace that He offers to each one of us. “Christ’s peace should cast out the fear that runs the world and too easily takes our imagination captive”. In the glow of Christ’s peace, the fear that chills our hearts and creates ill will and hostility among our neighbors should dissipate.

Caught in the hardships and struggles of life, we look for help and protection. In the midst of defeats and failures, we want support and encouragement. Our faith in the Lord Jesus offers the support and encouragement we look forward in life.

Resurrection of Jesus offers us His abiding protection. He is alive in the Universe. He will not abandon us.

He also wants us to continue the ministry of forgiveness and healing that He carried out during his earthly life. As he told the apostles to go and reconcile people, so also he is asking us to be instrument s of peace and reconciliation among the people with whom we live.

“Christ’s peace is a costly gift that demands radical conversion. Because that peace is all embracing, it rips away our prejudices and tears asunder the protective walls that afford us comfortable assurance.”(America Magazine, April 25,11)

This Easter season should be the beginning of a new life, a life dedicated to love and forgiveness. Without love and forgiveness, Christian life will be an empty shell, a walking shadow, a hollow stuff. As T.S. Eliot puts it, “we will be hollow men” if we don’t have love and forgiveness in our hearts.

Speaking of service(diaconia) as an essential feature of the Church, Cardinal Kaspar in his book “Leadership in the Church”, says : “ The Church is alive where the corporal works of mercy are performed…The Church is likewise alive where the spiritual works of mercy are performed: correcting sinners, teaching the ignorant…gladly forgiving those who insult us….”

What is needed, hence, is a reinforcement of forgiveness and compassion in our relationships with others. Easter becomes a reality when we can offer peace to one another in all honesty and truthfulness.

We remember also at this time all those who have lost their lives and homes in the great disaster that was wreaked upon the South of the country by a series of tornadoes. Their Easter peace was shattered. Through our prayers and monetary helps we shall try to restore some kind of semblance of peace in their hearts seething with anger and sorrow.

(The Greek word used here for peace is "eirene"which indicates a messianic blessing brought about by the grace and loving mind of God. It produces a new relationship with God, removing all traces of distress caused by sin.)

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