Today’s Gospel presents Jesus as a teacher, traveling through villages and towns teaching about the
The question posed by the man is also one that is raised by many of us at different times in our lives. What about us? Would we be saved? We have been leading Christian lives. But we know we are imperfect. In spite of our acknowledgement of Christ as our Savior, we have fallen into evil ways. Our sins outweigh our good acts. But still we make determined efforts to walk in the Christian way. We are also asking ourselves whether we would be saved. The answer of Jesus to all of us is that we have to enter through the narrow door.
It is through our repentance and surrender to the will of God that we will be attaining our salvation .Our name as Christians will not entail us the kingdom of God but it is our life as Christians that makes us worthy of entrance into the kingdom of God.
Jesus through a parable makes it very clear to his listeners that race, clan or friendship does not entitle anyone to enjoy eternal salvation.
It is not the Law that is going to be their means of salvation but Love. Their life has to be transformed by the presence of God’s love. The presence of the love of God will enable them to become compassionate and merciful there would be no more distinctions between the gentiles and the non-gentiles All are brother and sisters, the children of God. It is that kind of transformation that will make them the heirs of the
As the Vatican Council document Lumen Gentium points out, Christians need to “use the strength dealt out to them by Christ’s gift, so that , following in his footsteps and conformed to his image, doing the will of God in everything, they may wholeheartedly devote themselves to the glory of God and to the service of their neighbor.’
Today as we listen to the words of Jesus on salvation, let us try to live a life totally attached to God and making ourselves available to our neighbors. It is through our love, forgiveness and compassion that we live our faith authentically and make ourselves worthy of eternal salvation.
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