Elia-Sleeva,4th Sunday,09
· In the reading from today’s Gospel, we find Jesus healing a possessed boy and instructing Peter to pay the temple tax. Even though as the Son of God, he is not obliged to pay the tax, he does not want to make a show of the occasion. He asks Peter to pay the tax, but, of course, through an action, that reminds Peter that he is beside one who is not just a human person, but the Son of God.
· Jesus uses the occasion of the healing to speak about the meaning and nature of faith.
· The father of the boy approaches Jesus and, kneeling down, requests him to heal his son from his sickness. The urgency of his request is very well evident from his posture and also from the words he uses to make the request. He even mentions how it was impossible for the disciples to heal his son. The boy often falls into fire and water, the father reports. We can very well imagine the agony and despair expressed in the request of the father. But, there is also hope in him. He knows that Jesus would accept his request and would do the healing for him. The very posture of his kneeling indicates his absolute trust in the power of Jesus. He is certain that Jesus would drive out the demon and restore his son to perfect health.
· Jesus shows his mercy and compassion for the father and the son as soon as the request is made. H restores the son to his health. We too can feel the joy and the excitement the father and the son feel in the presence of Jesus: Total healing. Perfect peace of mind. No more evil forces have the power to take away the joy of life from their hearts. Their faith is total and so is their healing.
· Jesus uses the occasion to teach them about the meaning and the power of faith: “If you had the faith the size of a mustard seed, you would be able to say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move. Nothing would be impossible for you.”
· Faith is not just an intellectual acceptance of God but is a total surrender to His will. Faith involves absolute trust in the Providence of God. We believe in the innermost being of our hearts that God will save us, that He will not abandon us and that His mercy and kindness will be always with us.
· Even when humanly it is impossible for us to find a way out, we believe in the depths of our hearts that God will hold us in the palm of His hands.
· This is the example that Abraham has shown us. When he was asked to sacrifice his son, he had no doubts about the sacrifice. He was absolutely sure that God who gave him the son would never do anything to make him lose his son. His faith in God enables him to find in his temporary loss eternal gain.
· Mary has also shown this faith. “Your will be done.” She had no hesitation in taking upon herself the great and awesome task entrusted to her.